Wanted to try out the Random Character Generation Rules... meet Spector
Hero Name: Specter
Civilian Name: Johnny Rocks
Professional Career: Rock Star (To Hit / H)
Hobby Career: Writer (Evade / L)
Charge: Nicky Styx (Coworker)
To be determined...
Build: [X] Quick [ ] Powerful
Mentality: [ ] Logical [X] Intuitive
Temperament: [X] Bold [ ] Cautious
Action Dice and Powers
Move Die: [X] High (Q) [ ] Low (P) [ ] Weak
Movement Powers:
To Hit Die: [X] High (B) [ ] Low (C) [ ] Weak
Targeting Powers:
Evade Die: [ ] High (C) [X] Low (B) [ ] Weak
Evasion Powers: "Spectral Shadow" (Ghost Form)
Damage Die (add +1): [ ] High (P) [X] Low (Q) [ ] Weak
Mundane Attack Powers: "Chill of the Dead" (Cold Damage)
Fantastic Attack Powers:
Block Mundane Die: [ ] High (L) [X] Low (I) [ ] Weak
Block Fantastic Die: [X] High (I) [ ] Low (L) [X] Weak
Barrier Powers:
TL: 1
Life: 10
Training: Invisibility (Evasion - Defense Action Die)
Doubles: 0
Weapons and Armor (Again)
1 day ago