Saturday, February 25, 2012

Over on Sword and Board, where Dan has been doing tons of HiLo Heroes write-ups, Jeff Moore (the creator of HiLo Heroes) said,
"I thought you might be interested to know that between your works here and The Bane's work over at his blog I have been inspired to do a rewrite of Hi/Lo Heroes. If nothing else, I want to get an editable copy of the game on my hard drive. I only have the PDF because I am awful at keeping back ups. I plan to change as little as possible, but I was thinking of changing the opposed roll mechanic to a fixed difficulty model. It means eliminating dice rolling from the referee side of the game and making everything proactive on part of the player? I would love to hear your opinion on this. Also any other suggestions are welcome. Finally, I will make this version "Creative Commons" allowing anyone to develop further for the game"
First and foremost, I really love that Jeff  is considering releasing HiLo Heroes under the 'Creative Commons' license.

Now, let me preface my response to the idea of making rolls "a fixed difficulty model" with; I haven't gotten to thoroughly play-test the current HiLo Heroes rules set, but I'm not sure I would change it. I am familiar with other fixed difficulty models, I have played them in the past, and they work. I can also see where it makes a little more sense for a Supers style resolution mechanic. You want your Super character, well, super. With the current mechanic there is the chance, though remote, that lowly Norm could take down a Super with a series of 'lucky' rolls.  

I hope to here more about this change, hopefully on Jeff's site, about why and how this change might come about.

I am interested to see what Jeff comes up with, though I personally would prefer to see both mechanics presented if at all possible because, given the chance (see CC License comments above), I would use the mechanics for a Fantasy setting.



  1. Yeah, CC license will be awesome. I like the fantasy stuff you've already done, so that is right up my alley.

  2. I would LOVE to do a small (64pg or less) Fantasy supplement for HiLo. That would be awesome!

    Thanks by the way. I am really enjoying seeing all the heroes that you have spawned as well!


  3. I have play tested HiLo ... but it's been awhile. However, I have decided to start playing again, so we'll see.

    In looking back at the system now, its design is a sort of teeter-totter of strengths and weaknesses / checks and balances. The opposed roll design serves this well and I have decided not to change it.

    I can always introduce alternative rules in a supplement. That said, I am working on the CC release of HiLo as we speak and as I am basically just copying the original text (minor clean up here and there) it shouldn't take long before it's complete and ready to go.

    I also just re-purchased all the art licenses from Louis Porter Junior designs (lost all that art with an HDD crash along with HiLo's original text back in 2007) and I grabbed a few new packages to boot.

    Since I have the new art, and a renewed interest in HiLo, I plan on releasing a new "Heroes and Powers" supplement. I would love to get yours and Dan's help with this if you guys are game.



  4. I would be all over helping with a "Heroes and Powers" supplement, and would consider it an honor! Just let me know what you would have me do.

    If I may be so bold, and assuming it is not too late, I would have loved to have seen a visual example of a few combat rounds played out rather than the description of a round written out, if that makes sense? I would even volenteer to help on such an example.

    Either way, I am totally looking forward to a re-release of the game under the new license, as well as the projected supplements!


  5. "If I may be so bold, and assuming it is not too late, I would have loved to have seen a visual example of a few combat rounds played out rather than the description of a round written out, if that makes sense? I would even volenteer to help on such an example."

    Actually, I am not sure what you mean ... but it's never too late. If you care to elaborate I would love to work on that with you.


  6. I will put up a new post with a VERY quick example of what I mean....

    Stay tuned!

