Wednesday, June 30, 2010

HiLo Heroes: Gambit

Though not a 'Big Screen' character as of yet, Gambit has always been one of my favorites. This has probably been the hardest Hero I have attempted to stat up thus far with HiLo Heroes...

Hero Name: Gambit
Civilian Name: Remy Etienne LeBeau
Professional Career: Thief (To Hit / H)
Hobby Career: Gambler (Move / H)
Charge: Rogue

Abandoned at birth in New Orleans, Remy was taken in by a set of thieves and later became a member of the X-Men and even portrayed Death incarnate...

Build:  [X] Quick  [  ] Powerful
Mentality:  [  ] Logical  [X] Intuitive
Temperament:  [X] Bold  [  ] Cautious

Action Dice and Powers
Move Die:  [X] High (Q)  [  ] Low (P)  [  ] Weak
    Movement Powers:
To Hit Die:  [X] High (B) [  ] Low (C)  [  ] Weak
    Targeting Powers: Rapid Fire +1 
Evade Die:  [  ] High (C)  [X] Low (B)  [  ] Weak
    Evasion Powers:
Damage Die (add +1):  [  ] High (P)  [X] Low (Q)  [  ] Weak
    Mundane Attack Powers:
    Fantastic Attack Powers: Energy Blast +1
Block Mundane Die:  [  ] High (L)  [X] Low (I)  [  ] Weak
Block Fantastic Die:  [X] High (I)  [  ] Low (L)  [X] Weak
    Barrier Powers: Armor +1

TL: 1 
Life: 11 
Training: Super Agility (To Hit +1)
Doubles: 0

Monday, June 28, 2010

HiLo Heroes: More Fantasy

Hero Name: tae'Shedeth (Beloved for Time Eternal) 
Civilian Name: Shedeth the Sly
Professional Career: Rogue (Quick Career, Move / H)
Hobby Career: Alchemy (Cautious Career, Evade / H)
Charge: Duin (Sister of the Crescent Moon)

Shedeth's sister, Duin, had gone missing many moons ago. Shedeth's sole purpose in life is to find the cult that ensnared her sister's weak mind and make them pay. In her travels she gets by, by stealing what she needs and acquiring information the same way.

Build:  [X] Quick  [  ] Powerful
Mentality:  [X] Logical  [  ] Intuitive
Temperament:  [  ] Bold  [X] Cautious

Action Dice and Powers
Move Die:  [X] High (Q)  [  ] Low (P)  [  ] Weak
    Movement Powers: Fleet of Elven Foot +1
To Hit Die:  [  ] High (B) [X] Low (C)  [X] Weak
    Targeting Powers: Backstab +1
Evade Die:  [X] High (C)  [  ] Low (B)  [  ] Weak
    Evasion Powers:
Damage Die (add +1):  [  ] High (P)  [X] Low (Q)  [  ] Weak
    Mundane Attack Powers: Daggers +1
    Fantastic Attack Powers:
Block Mundane Die:  [X] High (L)  [  ] Low (I)  [  ] Weak
Block Fantastic Die:  [  ] High (I)  [X] Low (L)  [  ] Weak
    Barrier Powers: Armor (Leather) +1

TL: 2
Life: 12 
Training: Crippling Strike (-1 Opponent Move Die w/ successful mundane damage blow)
Doubles: 0

HiLo Heroes: Fantasy

Just musing at the moment..

Hero Name: Duererl Thohig (Dark Father of the Noble Garrison)
Civilian Name: Duer the Dwarf
Professional Career: Noble (Politician) (To Hit / H)
Hobby Career: Stone Mason (Artist) (Block Fan / H)
Charge: Ordin Reiral (Cunning Blacksmith of Vermin Birthplace)

Duer was born the third son of the house of Noble Garrison. As a child he was befriended by an urchin, Ordin, who was a down on his luck blacksmith. Duer took him in and in return Ordin cast him a fine suit of Chainmail and a vicious axe. Not likely to ascend to the throne, and politics being his least preferred method of dealing with issues, Duer followed his adventurer's heart...

Build:  [  ] Quick  [X] Powerful
Mentality:  [  ] Logical  [X] Intuitive
Temperament:  [X] Bold  [  ] Cautious

Action Dice and Powers
Move Die:  [  ] High (Q)  [X] Low (P)  [X] Weak
    Movement Powers:
To Hit Die:  [X] High (B) [  ] Low (C)  [  ] Weak
    Targeting Powers:
Evade Die:  [  ] High (C)  [X] Low (B)  [  ] Weak
    Evasion Powers:
Damage Die (add +1):  [X] High (P)  [  ] Low (Q)  [  ] Weak
    Mundane Attack Powers: Blade (Two-Handed Axe) +2
    Fantastic Attack Powers:
Block Mundane Die:  [  ] High (L)  [X] Low (I)  [  ] Weak
Block Fantastic Die:  [X] High (I)  [  ] Low (L)  [  ] Weak
    Barrier Powers: Armor +2 (Chainmail), Invulnerability +1

TL: 3
Life: 18
Training: Martial Dodge (Evade +1)
Doubles: 0

This just might have some merit! Easily removed 'gear' such as the axe may end up costing half, which would make Duer TL:2 if I decide to try the house rule for Nullifying Powers and reducing an opponent's abilities as an option instead of their life everytime.


HiLo Heroes: Template

Figured I needed a quick template for characters to put on the blog:

Hero Name:
Civilian Name:
Professional Career:
Hobby Career:


Build:  [  ] Quick  [  ] Powerful
Mentality:  [  ] Logical  [  ] Intuitive
Temperament:  [  ] Bold  [  ] Cautious

Action Dice and Powers
Move Die:  [  ] High (Q)  [  ] Low (P)  [  ] Weak
    Movement Powers:
To Hit Die:  [  ] High (B) [  ] Low (C)  [  ] Weak
    Targeting Powers:
Evade Die:  [  ] High (C)  [  ] Low (B)  [  ] Weak
    Evasion Powers:
Damage Die (add +1):  [  ] High (P)  [  ] Low (Q)  [  ] Weak
    Mundane Attack Powers:
    Fantastic Attack Powers:
Block Mundane Die:  [  ] High (L)  [  ] Low (I)  [  ] Weak
Block Fantastic Die:  [  ] High (I)  [  ] Low (L)  [  ] Weak
    Barrier Powers:


Did I miss anything?


Thursday, June 24, 2010

HiLo Heroes: Countering / Nullifying Power

I haven't had time to play-test HiLo Heroes yet, but my tinker's brain can not stop processing its goodness.

I spoke briefly about an idea a few posts back. Conceptually I see a Countering or Nullifying Power as one that takes success to work, and rather than doing damage, degrades the target in other ways.

For example; this Spider-man has the following Powers for his Temperament...

Temperament: Cautious (LOW To Hit, HIGH Evade)
    Evade Powers: Danger Sense +1, Acrobatics +1
    To Hit Powers: Rapid Fire (Web Shooters) +1

Spidey seldom does physical damage to his opponents on the big-screen. To represent this, I see him more as a disarming type. To that end, I have thought that a To Hit Power: Disarm (Web Shooters) +1 would look rather snazzy for my interpretation of him.

The Power: Disarm could work with either the Temperament or the Build Abilities. A Temperament Power for ranged attacks and a Build (most likely best for Powerful Templates) for a hand-to-hand attack. Either way a successful damage dealing attack could strip the target of their weapon. (Limited - to a Mundane Damage producing 'power' such as firearms.) The opponent would lose their +1 for that Mundane Damage power rather than take physical damage. The target might be able to get that +1 back if they could re-arm themselves.

I could see this working for a 'Snare' where the targets Move bonuses is removed or even resulting in penalties if they don't have a Move Power...


Monday, June 14, 2010

HiLo Heroes: Alternate Training Rules

A quick thought on alternate 'Training' rules that I thought I would put down in a post, so I didn't forget...

By default Powers in Training become full fledged powers once X number of doubles are rolled. Powers in Training can, by default, be use once per session as if the character had full use of that power...

How about allowing players to fuel their Power in Training when doubles are rolled? If a player rolls doubles, they can either; save the double and count it towards permanently obtaining the Power in Training (as the RAW already state), or they can spend that double and use that power then and there. Spending the double to power the Power in Training effectively uses up the double's effect and it is not counted toward advancement (experience).



HiLo Heroes: Thoughts On Batman And Spiderman

Keeping in mind that I have not gotten to play the rules as written (RAW) yet, there are some things that strike me as odd looking over the two iconic heroes I have tried to design using the rules thus far.

Starting with my recent interpretation of Batman (TL:B), I kept getting drawn to:

Barrier Defense Powers: Armor +1

Barrier Defense gives a plus one to both Mundane and Fantastic attacks directed at the character. I personally don't have that image of Batman in my melon. What I mean is, between Batman's Armor and Agility, their isn't much in the world of the Mundane that can phase him, let alone take him out. But I have a completely different opinion as far as Fantastic attacks against him go. Confronted with a Fantastic attack, I think Batman would retire to his Bat-Cave to roll a few skill checks vs Scientist, or Detective, to find out how to counter the effect of the attack. Then possibly allowing a Training: Block Fantastic Power with a successful Skill check, or series of successful Skill checks. After all, just how difficult it is to find out that Superman's weakness is kryptonite is totally speculative and left to the GM.

* Separating Block Mundane and Block Fantastic Powers is an interesting house-rule I will be considering as I play the RAW. I will be definitely watching for the possible conflicts of such a house-rule.

Further review has me considering the granularity of the d6. Specifically, a +1 or +2 from powers is rather 'super'. Hence my thoughts of limiting powers to an overall +2 per Ability. Taking this into account, as well as there not being any "Nullifing" powers, I have to wonder if they could be built for the system. My initial inclination is that the Nullifing Power would have to be specific, such as Nullify (To Hit) -1. As this power would only be appropriate to counter someone with a To Hit Power of +1 or greater, and by default would be 'limited', I can't but think that it would be cheaper than a normal power. Perhaps two -1s for the same Training or initial purchase of a single power.

This may lead to too much record keeping for my tastes, but it is an interesting concept, so I will keep the idea as a possible house rule. Again, after I have played with the RAW for a bit...

* Expanding powers to counter other powers at a 2:1 expense, or something similar, might be fun.

Something I want to consider further, as well, is Shape Shifting or even Growth... but I must control my tinker's desires at the moment. Maybe if I got to play, I could just push all these crazy thoughts aside!


HiLo Heroes: Batman (TL:B)

On to yet another Big Screen Hero, using RAW (Training Level: Basic)...

Hero Name: Batman
Civilian Name: Bruce Wayne
Professional Career: Scientist (Block Mun/H)
Hobby Career: Detective (To Hit/H)
Charge: Alfred Pennyworth

Template/Action Dice/Powers
Build: Quick (HIGH Move, LOW Damage)
    Move Power: Super Leap +1
Mentality: Logical (HIGH Block Mundane, LOW Block Fantastic)
    Barrier Defense Powers: Armor +1
    Weakness: Block Fantastic Action -1
Temperament: Bold (HIGH To Hit, LOW Evade)

Life: 10
Training: Move Power (Super Agility +1) 

HiLo Heroes: A Powered Up Spiderman (TL:3)

While talking with the author, Jeff Moore, on his blog about how awesome I found HiLo Heroes I discussed how to represent characters that had advanced in Training several times as a quick reference to see how 'powerful' they were. I decided to take my had off to Mutants & Masterminds, but instead of calling them Power Levels (PL), I thought I would go with Training Levels (TL).

I was considering basic characters, those built with the default two Powers, as TL0 (or BT for Basic Training). Each time that they advance they will be considered +1 TL to their previous TL total. This does not include the new Power that they would be 'Training' on, and have to use 'Heroic Effort' to use.

A Powered Up Spiderman...

TL: 3
Hero Name: The Amazing "Spidey" Spiderman
Civilian Name: Peter Parker
Professional Career: Artist - Photographer (Block Fan/H)
Hobby Career: Investigative Reporter (Evade/H +2)
Charge: Aunt May

Template/Action Dice/Powers
Build: Quick (HIGH Move, LOW Damage)
    Move Power: Wall Crawler +1, Swing Line +1
    Weakness: Damage (Losses +1 bonus all Heroes have to Damage)
Mentality: Intuitive (LOW Block Mundane, HIGH Block Fantastic)
Temperament: Cautious (LOW To Hit, HIGH Evade)
    Evade Powers: Danger Sense +1, Acrobatics +1
    To Hit Powers: Rapid Fire (Web Shooters) +1

Life: 13
Training: Block Power (Invulnerable +1) 

This is how I would classify Spiderman at the pentacle of his career on the big screen. Five total Powers and rated with a Training Level of 3. At this point, I would hesitate to have any character with more than two powers per Template Aspect; Move, Damage, To Hit, Evade, Block Mundane, and Block Fantastic.

This would max a character out at ten powers, with Both Block types currently tied together.

More to come on the HiLo Heroe's Happy Hour. Stay tuned, same bat-time, same bat-channel!


Friday, June 11, 2010

HiLo Heroes: Spiderman (TL:B)

I am far from a comic book fan, but I like my Supers! I just prefer them on the big-screen. So I thought I would do a few 'starting level' HiLo Heroes from the movies and see what I come up with. First off: Spiderman...

Hero Name: The Amazing "Spidey" Spiderman
Civilian Name: Peter Parker
Professional Career: Artist - Photographer (Block Fan/H)
Hobby Career: Investigative Reporter (Evade/H +1)
Charge: Aunt May

Template/Action Dice/Powers
Build: Quick (HIGH Move, LOW Damage)
    Move Power: Wall Crawler +1
    Weakness: Damage (Losses +1 bonus all Heroes have to Damage)
Mentality: Intuitive (LOW Block Mundane, HIGH Block Fantastic)
Temperament: Cautious (LOW To Hit, HIGH Evade)
    Evade Power: Danger Sense +1

Life: 10
Training: Move Power (Swing Line +1) 

This build was made using the base character and I think does a good job at summing up the Amazing Spiderman (Peter Parker) right after he was bitten by the radioactive spider, and before he takes on the guise and mantel of his Super Hero persona.

Pretty cool when you consider it took me less than fifteen minutes to make him and that was with consulting the PDF for what powers went with what Action Die.

Maybe I should crank out a villain for him to fight randomly and see what happens?

That is best left to another night however,

HiLo Heroes!

While sniffing around on the internets for easy Supers games like Microlite20 Costumes, mentioned earlier, I found HiLo Heroes by Jeff Moore over at his blog; Dreams and Dragons. He has some other game designs, and I will check them out as time permits, but HiLo Heroes and Supers in general have sated my ADD for the moment.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Microlite20 Costumes: Minimalistic Supers

Andrew Domino has come up with something that is Supers interesting. He mashed up Microlite20, a super minimalistic version of the d20 SRD, and Mutants & Masterminds. He calls it Microlite20 Costumes (Direct Link to PDF)

I haven't had a chance to play with it, just finding out about it from the Microlite20 Forum, but once I do I will have further thoughts on it. It looks promising on first read through.

Hope you find it as interesting as I,

Sunday, June 6, 2010

[Part Three] Thoughts On Character Creation

I left off with most of the Combat Stats down and a few Feats chosen to justify the character concept for Base Attack and Base Defense. What I have thus far is:

Combat Stats [16pps]
Initiative: mod (=dex mod) 
Base Attack: +3 [Ranged: +3, Melee: +5, Grapple: mod (BA+Str), Weapon: +7] (6pp) (2pp/+1,Limit=PL)
Damage (dc): +5 max, +2 Unarmed (dc17), +5 Flail (dc20), etc
Base Defense: +5 (Base)/+7 (w/ Shield) [Dodge Bonus: +2 (1/2 Base Defense), Flat-footed: +3 (Base - Dodge Bonus)] (10pp) (2pp/+1,Limit=PL)
Toughness: +5 (+3 Con, +2 Armor)
Knockback: -2 (1/2 tough save, size, immovable)
Hero Points: #

Feats [7pps]
Attack Focus: 2 (melee)
Attack Specialization: 2 (weapon)
Dodge Focus: 2  Chose to take a shield instead
Equipment: 3 (15ep, 3ep remaining)

Adding Abilities and Equipment then adjusted the above...

Abilities [24pp]
Strength: 14 (+2), Dexterity: 16 (+3), Constitution: 16 (+3), Intelligence: 12 (+1), Wisdom: 14 (+2), Charisma: 12 (+1)

Equipment [12ep]
Studded Leather Armor: +2 Toughness (2ep)
Medium Shield: +2 Dodge, +2 Block (4ep)
Flail: +3 Damage, Crit 20, +2 Trip & Disarm (6ep)
* +2 for Trip & Disarm attacks might exceed PL limits if added (need to find out)

Yep, it was added to the errata:
Pg 107, Trip: At the end of this power’s description, add the following sentence “Trip counts as if it forced a saving throw for power level purposes.”
See here:

Dang something to consider. Do I just lose that bonus or modify my Attack Bonus to take it into consideration...

Stay tuned...

Hero Lab Experiment

This is kind of what I am shooting for with my series on character creation. So many people use Hero Labs that I decided to fire my PC up in Window$ mode and try it out.

In the free demo you cannot save your builds, but you can do a screen capture of the output, which I did. I hope it is legible enough to see what I am shooting for and that I can use it as a reference.

If I can figure out how to use Hero Labs in my preferred OS I might just purchase the program when M&M 3d comes out.

Well I see a mistake as I type this that I hope to be able to remedy when I finish the series; It has the Improved Trip Feat twice. Apparently it puts the Feats you assign to custom built weapons (in this case his flail) in your character feat section. I already had it there when I built him with a hammer because I couldn't find a flail in the weapons list.

Well, I believe I will be calling it a night.

Happy gaming,

Saturday, June 5, 2010

[Part Two] Thoughts On Character Creation

Running with what I decided in Part One, I will expound on the following:

Combat Stats [#pps]
Initiative: mod (=dex mod) 
Base Attack: +7 [Ranged: mod, Melee: mod, Grapple: mod (BA+Str)] (14pp) (2pp/+1,Limit=PL)
Damage (dc): +5, Unarmed (+0), etc
Base Defense: +7 [Dodge Bonus: mod (1/2 Base Defense), Flat-footed: mod] (14pp) (2pp/+1,Limit=PL)
Toughness: +5
Knockback: -2 (1/2 tough save, size, immovable)
Hero Points: #

Focusing on the first stat I can work on (Initiative will be determined from Ability Stats - Dexterity) I will develop Base Attack. With tradeoffs, I decided to max this at +7 (PL+1). Now I have to decide why (justify) it. I could leave it at a +7 bought straightaway with pps, but I don't think all 7 points are innate. I think, based on my concept, that the character should be more focused on his primary weapon(s) and less-so on general attack. To that end, I will take some Feats that will modify this:

Feats [#pps]
Attack Focus 2 (melee)
Attack Specialization 2 (weapon)

With Attack Specialization providing the largest modifier (+2/rank) to the Base Attack (- 4), I will use it to determine the Base Bonus. These Feats change the Attack Stats as such:

Base Attack: +3 [Ranged: +3, Melee: +5, Grapple: mod (BA+Str), Weapon: +7] (6pp) (2pp/+1,Limit=PL)

The specialty drops the Base Attack bonus by 4 (for the +4 mod) to a +3. This saves me 8pp (14 cost to purchase outright - 6 current cost after factoring in Attack Specialization = 8pp) Nice!

Looking at Base Defense I feel the character is inherently hard to hit, but not wanting to purchase the full defense bonus outright, I will add 2 ranks of Dodge Focus. I don't want him to get caught too low when flatfooted.

Feats [#pps]
Attack Focus 2 (melee)
Attack Specialization 2 (weapon)
Dodge Focus 2

Which changes my Base Defense to so:

Base Defense: +5 (Base)/+7 (w/ Dodge Focus) [Dodge Bonus: +2 (1/2 Base Defense), Flat-footed: +3 (Base - Dodge Bonus)] (10pp) (2pp/+1,Limit=PL)

I think I will end Part Two there. Completing the Combat Stats requires equipment and Ability scores to be determined, which I will address in Part Three.

More to come...

[Part One] Thoughts On Character Creation

As I suggested in my Intro Post to this series, I want to reverse my character creation process, to an extent, to see if I can fix what I usually do wrong when building a M&M character. I envision it kind of like the suggestions of spell checking your writing, which I do terribly, by reading what you have written backwards (from the bottom up, right to left). Why do they suggest this? Simple, your mind will fill in what it perceives should be there, whether the words are spelled correctly or not.

Now I just need a concept, something simple (hopefully) that I can track through the process in this series. I want to start with a Power Level (PL) of six. The first character I made was intended to be a PL4 character. I lost sight of that and, well, it just turned into a mess. One of the key things that I had an issue with that character was trying to get all the things I wanted out of the concept from the limited Power Point supply (60pps). Hopefully a different approach will help that issue. So on to the concept, take your basic fighter and give him some cool maneuvers and if I have some PPs left over, then give him some cool gear to support those maneuvers.

Here is the Combat Stat blocks that hold the four parts of what I suspect is the Holy Grail of character construction:

Combat [#pp]: Base Attack +0 [+0 type], Base Defense ## [## flatfooted], Initiative +0, Grapple (BA+Str+Size), Knockback (1/2 tough save, size, immovable), Hero Points #

This and the Damage and Toughness stats. Now, I will admit that I shamelessly 'borrowed' the layout for my character build sheet from Brian Roth, aka Joshua Dunlow, because I could read through it and see all the interlacing connections of how things built upon each other. I think I need to design something that more fits my process and features reminders that I often forget. Though his layout reads well and I can follow it, I just haven't had any success building a character with it. The only drawbacks I see in this is that a layout I envision will be longer (wordier) and it won't be what the experienced masses of M&M character designers are used to seeing. If it works though... magic.

So, a new layout starting with a Combat Stat block where small print, utilized as a reminder, will be removed on completion. (Work in Progress)

Combat Stats [#pps]
Initiative: mod (=dex mod) 
Base Attack: mod [Ranged: mod, Melee: mod, Grapple: mod] (#pp) (2pp/+1,Limit=PL)
Base Defense: mod [Dodge Bonus: mod (1/2 Base Defense), Flat-footed: mod] (#pp) (2pp/+1,Limit=PL)
Knockback: mod (1/2 tough save, size, immovable)
Hero Points: #

The two other stat blocks that directly correlate to the Combat Stat block is the Damage Stat block and the Saves Stat block. Damage because it corresponds to Base Attack, and Saves because it contains Toughness that corresponds to Base Defense. For this series I am going to try putting Toughness and Damage Stats in the Combat Stats block.

Combat Stats [#pps]
Initiative: mod (=dex mod) 
Base Attack: mod [Ranged: mod, Melee: mod, Grapple: mod] (#pp) (2pp/+1,Limit=PL)
Damage (dc): Unarmed (+0), etc
Base Defense: mod [Dodge Bonus: mod (1/2 Base Defense), Flat-footed: mod] (#pp) (2pp/+1,Limit=PL)
Knockback: mod (1/2 tough save, size, immovable)
Hero Points: #

Now I should be able to work the whole interlinked stats in one place by setting them to the maxes I want, and then retrofitting them backwards as the character develops. How I envision the character is a fast (+Defense) lightly armored (-Toughness) quick hitter (+Attack) that does maneuvers rather than Damage (-Damage). So I set the stats at their max (6) modified for the tradeoffs and if they can be bout-out-right I figure the full pp cost of doing so:

Combat Stats [#pps]
Initiative: mod (=dex mod) 
Base Attack: +7 [Ranged: mod, Melee: mod, Grapple: mod] (14pp) (2pp/+1,Limit=PL)
Damage (dc): +5, Unarmed (+0), etc
Base Defense: +7 [Dodge Bonus: mod (1/2 Base Defense), Flat-footed: mod] (14pp) (2pp/+1,Limit=PL)
Toughness: +5
Knockback: -2 (1/2 tough save, size, immovable)
Hero Points: #

I think that is all I can do for this step in the series. I now have to figure out (justify) why the stats have the level they do individually. I will take each individually in the upcoming series.


Friday, June 4, 2010

[Intro] Thoughts On Character Creation

My previous attempts at character creation have been, at best, lackluster. While looking back at them, I think I might have discovered where I go wrong. Most of the issues I have is the Combat Stats and Powers. I want to focus on what I think am doing wrong with calculating Combat Stats to start the series of posts and move on to Powers later in the series.

What got me to thinking about it was an epiphany I had. The revolation came when I thought about starting a PbP Fantasy M&M game. I thought, "You can't even make a character without help. How could you make the masses of opponents that would be required to challenge the characters throughout their adventure?" Don't get me wrong, I know what "right" looks like, I just have a very difficult time reproducing it. These thoughts, and a discussion on the Atomic Think Tank about balancing encounter, were the key. It was suggested that one could take the four Combat Stats and average them, like what is said in the Core book for NPCs, to determine their PL and then factor in what kind of challenge it would be for the Players. Combat Stats, the very thing that I usually mess up.

So, if that is what defines a challenge, they should be the focus, right? Well, they weren't when I was creating a character. I went straight down the assembly line; Abilities, Skills, etc. This had me scrambling to keep my Attack, Damage, Defense, and Toughness in check with Power Level (PL) at the end of character creation and had me back peddling. What I want to do now, in these posts, is to design a character in reverse of my previous process, minus one step; Character Concept. Character Concept will have to be done first.

Stay tuned for more on Character Creation...

Brian's M&M Page: Battle suit with a vengeance

Brian Roth, aka Joshua Dunlow, has done it again.

Brian's M&M Page: Battle suit with a vengeance

Wow, what can I say? JD has outdone himself IMHO and is, and will always be, my hero! This character is quite interesting to me, though I don't understand the full mechanics of the build, I can easily see the concept behind the build. What grabs me, besides the ease of reading the layout, is the interaction between Vengeance and her "Battle Suit". Making her addicted to her suit through the use of a Drawback/Complication is something I had never considered. Granted, I don't grasp the mechanical aspects of those rules, yet, this build will most definently have me looking at them closer. My initial opinion on Drawbacks/Complications was that they were the 'looser' mechanics to the system. What I mean by that, is that they seem to be the most, if not too, flexible rules.

A closer look is defenently in order if I can get similar results!


Why I am here, a mission statement.

Over at my other blog; The Babbling Bane's Blog, which is dedicated to 0e D&D (Swords & Wizardry more precisely) I attempted to build a Mutants and Masterminds character. Blasphemy I know, so I decided to make another blog specifically for Fantasy M&M, and generally for M&M as a whole.

Why am I doing this? Well because M&M has always fascinated me. I found The Atomic Think Tank (ATT) and loved the thread named; Roll Call. Roll Call is for people to post their builds. I bought the PDFs of M&M Core and Ultimate Powers (UP) and tried my hand at it. I sucked. I was, even then trying to do a fantasy take on it with the help of a great guy; Joshua Dunlow, who was patient and tried to help me out. Thanks JD! But I didn't get it. Then recently, a week or two ago, I bought the Warriors & Warlocks (W&W) supplement for M&M. Armed with a book tailored to assist in making Fantasy M&M characters I tried again. JD squared me away with that one, that one was the wreck called Sally Forth, on my other blog. I had lost site of the PL and most of my calculations suffered for it.

As I contemplated not doing it anymore, I decided I would not be defeated! I have to figure this out, and what better place than a blog so I can... well blog about the process?

Perhaps I can get JD to 'Follow' this blog and give me pointers...
